
Partner for 17 years: Michael Keuthen at Shanxi Haiderui Energy Conservation in China

The cooperation with our dealer partner Shanxi Haiderui Energy Conservation began in 2007.
Our CEO Michael Keuthen visited them in the summer of 2024 in the city of Changzhi in Shanxi Province.
Changzhi is a city with 3.5 million inhabitants and one of the most liveable Chinese cities.

Haideru, China

Michael Keuthen was welcomed by Mr. Zhang, the owner of Shanxi Haiderui Energy Conservation; a man with decades of experience in the field of energy saving in buildings in China.

Haideru, China

Michael Keuthen was particularly impressed by the successes achieved by Mr. Zhang and his team, especially in the area of building refurbishment and the introduction of heat meters in the „Oriental Quarter“ in Changzhi. The Engelmann SensoStar 2, the predecessor heat meter that has been reliably counting and counting and counting since 2008, also played a key role in this.

Haideru, China

Mr Zhang presented projects that proved that the consumption behavior of users changed after the introduction of heat meters. Over several heating periods, Shanxi Haiderui Energy Conservation tracked the savings potential between two comparable buildings with 50 residential units each: The building equipped with heat meters saved over 60% energy. The reason for this, according to Mr. Zhang, is largely due to the introduction of heat meters and the associated consumption-based billing. What we take for granted in Germany is not necessarily the case in China.

Haideru, China

Shanxi Haiderui Energy Conservation and Engelmann Metering (Xuzhou) Co. in China want to work even more closely together to roll out these promising projects nationwide with the government commission NDRC (National Development and Reform Commission). After all, there is a lot at stake: if similar successes were achieved in the other 15 Chinese provinces where district heating is used, China would be able to save over 100 million tons of standard coal per heating season: over 270 million tons of CO2.