
Messteam Nord GmbH about Engelmann: an interview with Melvin Schultz

“What we appreciate about Engelmann is that our concerns are always dealt with immediately.” That’s what Melvin Schultz, Managing Director of Messteam Nord GmbH, says about Engelmann. And that’s exactly what we aim to do: find a solution immediately. To help immediately. We don’t just do this for Messteam Nord, but for all our partners. Reason enough to ask Melvin Schultz what his day-to-day work is like and what he thinks of Engelmann. Watch the video to see what he told us or simply read what he said word for word below.

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What does Messteam Nord do?

Our core business is heating and operating cost billing. Our customers are mainly based in Hamburg. They are condominium management companies and individual property owners for whom we carry out heating and operating cost billing. Since this year, we have implemented energy consulting as an expanded business model. We draw up renovation roadmaps accordingly. In other words, iSFP, because this has emerged from the market, because the same customers we have have also made precisely these demands on the market. To round off our business, we also offer a smoke alarm service. This has been required by the housing industry since 2010.

What challenges do you face as a measurement service?

One of the biggest challenges facing the metering service provider sector is the increased level of automation of billing, so that the billing is available even faster after the customer, the condominium manager, has entered the costs into the system. Or, more generally, the industry is facing the question of how to recruit new employees. Demographic change is also a major issue for us. It’s very difficult for us to find service technicians to install the devices and measurement technology outside. But even in the back office for heating cost billing, it’s not easy to find qualified staff or to find staff at all, which we then train further.

What do you appreciate about Engelmann?

What we appreciate about Engelmann is that our concerns are always dealt with immediately. When we contact our sales representative, Mr. Stracke, he takes care of it and we have a suitable answer to our question within 24 hours or even 48 hours. And even if he doesn’t know, he is transparent and lets us know. But he knows the right place to follow up with technical support and then proactively makes sure that we get the information and that’s just a great thing, because if we don’t get this information in time, we can’t get on with our day-to-day business and that ultimately stops us. And that’s where Engelmann is always on hand with help and advice with this all-round service that they ultimately offer us.

When were you highly satisfied with Engelmann?

In the past, we had difficulties determining which water meters we were dealing with for older metering technology. Which heat meters are involved, because there are many different types of water meters and heat meters. And we were then able to determine which water meters they were quite easily with pictures, which we then sent to our sales representative or to Engelmann’s technical support. We also have projects outside of Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Lower Saxony. We then approached Engelmann’s sales representative, who ultimately found us a local partner that we could work with and then implemented the project together. Or the projects. It now involves several projects.

What does Engelmann do for your employees?

Engelmann offers training courses and we have taken advantage of this. This is extremely practical for us when we hire new employees. Because then we don’t have to do the entire onboarding process on our own, but can send someone to the external partner. They then tell us the basics: What is the metering service provider industry? What do we need to look out for? And so on and so forth. And in the end, we can save ourselves that in-house and, as we are not yet such a large team, we can use the time to continue to look after our customers, take care of our service orders, our invoicing and whatever else is needed in our day-to-day business.