
Engelmann’s water meter in the city of love

The so-called “Tour Jade”, or Jade Tower, is located in the city of love. The French writer Patrick Besson even dedicated an entire book to it, in which he writes about the wonderful view from the Jade Tower. And it really is impressive, as the tower rises 92 meters into the air just south of Notre-Dame and the Eiffel Tower. Inside: 240 apartments spread over 30 floors. But we’re not just writing about this wonderful tower built in 1977, no. Inside it are 850 water meters as well as gateways and repeaters. About half of the water meters are WaterStar M from Engelmann. What is special about the entire installation? The number of gateways in the house has been reduced, but the number of repeaters has been maximized. The repeaters, which operate in multi-hop mode, ensure secure data transfer via Engelmann’s GMP/DSP. The highlight: thanks to the DSP, problems in individual residential units can be identified quickly so that measures can be initiated immediately. This can be clearly seen in the picture below.

The facts:

  • 240 apartments on 30 floors
  • 850 water meters from Engelmann and an OMS-compliant manufacturer
  • Complete data management thanks to the Engelmann GMP/DSP

The Jade Tower and its water meters and radio system are managed by Vasilia Services, a service provider based in Voisins le Bretonneux.