
Engelmann supports 4,200-kilometer climate protection bike tour fitfor2030bybike

On July 18, 2024, three Italian cyclists will launch an ambitious climate protection project: fitfor2030bybike. Roberta Minelli, Davide Longo and Marco Fantino want to cycle from the Alps to the North Cape in 30 days. 4200 kilometers. 26900 vertical meters. Their goal: to make their contribution to raising awareness of climate change. They chose their bike route very consciously. It crosses Europe and runs between two ecosystems that are both heavily affected by climate change: the Alps and the Arctic Circle. On their route, they will stop at various institutions and companies that are committed to a sustainable energy transition. Organizations that have a positive impact and take climate change seriously. They will also stop at Engelmann and we are proud of that.

The team deliberately approached Engelmann to see if we could support them with the project. On the one hand, they were aware of the role that recording consumption data plays in the energy transition and, on the other, they were very impressed by our recycling concept. Dimitri Tasinato, our contact for the Italian market, and Benedikt Heid, CSO at Engelmann, were immediately enthusiastic about the project. Both pledged their support. We are therefore looking forward to July 23, 2024, when the team around Roberta, Marco and Davide arrives and takes our SensoStar with them on their travels.

If you want to find out more about the project, check out the official Instagram channel of fitfor2030bybike. However, there will also be an update on the project here in the coming months.