
C&S Hanse Metering GmbH about Engelmann: an interview with Andreas Schmidt

“I can very well imagine that there is hardly anyone who changes meter manufacturers when they are with Engelmann.” That’s what Andreas Schmidt, Managing Director of C&S Hanse Metering, says about Engelmann. We are very proud of this, because we have an excellent working relationship with C&S Metering. Reason enough to ask Andreas Schmidt what his day-to-day work is like and what he thinks of Engelmann. No sooner said than done. Watch the video here to see what he told us or simply read what he said word for word below.

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What does C&S Hanse Metering do?

The focus is on metering services, i.e. the whole billing issue of water meters, Heat Cost Allocators and heat meters. We also have electricity meters in our portfolio, which we are currently billing as a pilot. Apart from that, we also provide billing services, i.e. operating cost billing for external customers.

What challenges do you face as a measurement service?

It starts with scheduling appointments with the residents if you have some kind of assembly who are not there or say: I was at home all day and no one ever rang my doorbell and you were demonstrably at the door and have to keep track of everything. It starts on a very small scale and of course goes all the way to the legal requirements that have to be implemented, including by the external service providers who program the corresponding billing programs where we are the customer, CO2 pricing, UVI etc. pp. The legislator is relatively active in this area.

What do you value about Engelmann?

When we founded the company, we were looking for a sensible device manufacturer that also delivers appropriate quality. Price plays a role, of course, but is not the top priority. We really wanted to have a product that was worth its price, i.e. that really offers quality, because we simply don’t want to have to deal with leaking water meters and beeping smoke detectors. I got in touch with a colleague from Engelmann through a previous job and we then sat down together, talked about the issues that we actually had on the table, what our requirements were, and then we actually immediately agreed that Engelmann could only be the right partner for us. And that has proven to be the case to this day; with all the adversities that you naturally have to contend with on the market. But at the end of the day, things are going really well with Engelmann, simply because you have a fixed contact person and because Engelmann is actually one of the few companies that still attaches real importance to solving problems and not putting them off.

When were you highly satisfied with Engelmann?

If we need meters quickly because an installation is coming up and we’ve realized that we need other meters after all, we really try everything to get the meters we need on that day. Recently I actually had a problem with the Config app, I installed a Gateway and then wanted to record all the meters and I no longer had access. I immediately spoke to the internal support team, to the person responsible as product manager. Half an hour later they called me back and we talked about the issue and then it was resolved.

How do your installers see Engelmann?

It might also be interesting to know that we spoke to various installation companies in order to then install the corresponding devices. And one of the first questions was always: What material do you use? Who is your supplier? And when we said: Engelmann; then they said: Well, at least reasonable meters. That was actually the unanimous feedback when we said: Engelmann.