
Connect Days 2024 – Review

After last year’s great success, the Connect Days were held again in 2024, once more at the Hotel Villa Toskana in Leimen. Customers from all over Europe came to see the latest innovations from Engelmann.

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Product roadmap & communication systems

Benedikt Heid opened the event, warmly welcomed the attendees and guided them through the day’s agenda. Benjamin Hofstetter then took over and presented the Engelmann product roadmap. He explained the latest developments and also gave a detailed insight into the communication systems that are planned for the future.

Guest speaker from Italy

Next, we had a special guest speaker: Luca Paredi from R.A.F. in Italy. He spoke about his experiences with AMR networks, sharing both challenges and successes and providing valuable insights into the practical application of these technologies.

A WaterStar is born

After a short coffee break, during which the participants were able to exchange ideas and network, Benjamin Hofstetter took the floor again. He introduced the new WaterStar M and presented Engelmann’s recycling concept. He also discussed the environmentally friendly measures that Engelmann is taking to operate more sustainable.

Cooling Applications & Leasing

This was followed by a presentation from our Head of Cooling – global, Danish Fareed, who is based in Dubai. His presentation on cooling applications covered innovative solutions and current trends in cooling technologies, which are particularly important in hot climates. Benjamin Hofstetter then introduced the audience to the Heat Pump Cockpit. He explained the technical background and practical applications of this system, which helps to increase efficiency and improve control of heat pumps. Finally, Benedikt Heid took the floor again and presented financing options for Engelmann products. He explained the differences between leasing and renting in detail.

Interactive group work

After the lunch break, the attendees were divided into three groups and took part in our workshop:
Peter Hackel let the participants become active themselves. He demonstrated on our installation wall how heat and water meters are correctly installed. He literally let the sparks fly when he demonstrated how to correctly position welding studs on a radiator. This keeps the radiator intact.

Milan Cerveansky and Dirk Stahl talked to the participants about topics such as recycling and our customer portal. Patrick Llorca & Benjamin Hofstetter explained our Data Service Platform and the Gateway Management Platform.

After the workshop, we continued on to our factory tours. Both our main plant in Wiesloch and our new building in Hirschhorn were visited.
Finally, our guests enjoyed a nice evening in a great atmosphere.

We are looking forward to the Connect Days 2025