Use of heat cost allocators for billing purposes
Heat cost allocators are used in vertically-piped properties. In this case, it is not possible to record the energy of each apartment by means of a heat meter, because the pipe runs through different utility units. Thus, a heat cost allocator is mounted on each radiator. These detect both the heat on the radiator and in the room. Based on the temperature difference of the hot radiator to the hot room, units are calculated using an algorithm. If these units are evaluated with the performance of the radiator, the settlement can be formed from them.
In addition to the current value, the heat meter also stores historical values such as the end-of-month value or the reference date value. These can be read out either directly at the meter via the display or via optical communication.
Likewise, the heat cost allocator has a built-in wireless M-Bus radio. This can be read out walky-by, i.e. with software and a radio receiver, or stationary (AMR) with a gateway. More details can be found in the application description “Build AMR network”.