
A complete success: Girls’ Day and Boys’ Day on 25.04.2024

The “Aktionstag zur klischeefreien Berufsorientierung” (Day of action for stereotype-free career guidance) takes place every year. The name is a bit unwieldy, which is why Girls’ Day and Boys’ Day were coined. On this day, pupils simply let school be school and get a taste of the everyday working life of adults. Completely free of clichés and prejudices. We have also been taking part for 15 years and are delighted with the young visitors every year.

The path of a heat meter in production.

In 2024, seven girls and seven boys from grades 5 to 9 visited us. From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., we welcomed them to Engelmann and offered them an extensive program. After a welcome round, our HR Manager Karen Colleen Taylor introduced Engelmann to the children. This was followed by a tour in which various departments showed the route our heat meters take from order to delivery. Jessica Österle then gave an insight into the activities in the area of product development.

In the active part of the visit, the children were soldering.

Then it was time for the active part of the day: the axolotl and butterfly soldering kits were waiting to shine in bright colors after soldering. With the active help of Kai Fürstenberger and Jessica Österle, the children mastered this task with flying colors.

All the children were delighted with their axolotls and butterflies.

We received a lot of positive feedback from the girls and boys in the farewell round. They obviously enjoyed the day just as much as we did. Finally, everyone received a certificate of participation and the taster of the adult world came to an end. Many thanks to all the helpers and supervisors who supported this day for the children with so much commitment.